Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What were they thinking?

Patrick Mannelly (
I would like to apologize about not updating this earlier. I just have not had the energy lately to do this, which is surprising considering what I am going to talk about. I think this a lot, so it could become a continuing segment.
What were you thinking first edition Winner: Patrick Mannelly and Lovie Smith 
4th and 11 on your own 30 yard line, up 12-10, what do you do? Most people reading this blog would say punt, actually SCREAM it 99.9% of the time.
     For some unknown reason that punt did not occur. Instead the ball was snapped to an unprepared Garrett Wolfe who ran for two yards. The Packers went three and out, but were in field goal range and went up 13-12. No one can say this one play changed the game, because the Bears regained the lead before losing it again. It however definitely affected the outcome.
     We learned after the game that Mannelly had the authority to snap it to the up man if he saw something he could exploit. The situation Mannelly thought he could exploit was the Packers having too many men on the field. This might have been a good play if a) it were not 4th and 11, b) the penalty would have resulted in a first down, and c) inside your own 30 yard line in the fourth quarter of a big game. Not to mention Mannelly had his head down and Clay Matthews got off the field. The failed play lead to a challenge of twelve men on the field and subsequently the loss of the Bears last time out. 
     This is were Lovie Smith comes into play. I can not for sure say Lovie gave Mannelly but someone had to give him that authority. This is something I am sure the Bears have worked on in practice many times. Did they practice time and situation and how to make the proper play call? It looks like the answer is no. Patrick Mannelly is great at his job, but at such a critical point of the game, the long snapper should never have the authority to make such a call. Their job is to snap the ball,  run down the field, and attempt to make a tackle, not audibles. 
     Mannelly can not be blamed for the lost because Jay Cutler had four interceptions and the Bears as usual failed to score touchdowns. A lot of fans might fail to realize the Bears still had a chance to go on a game winning drive before Cutler threw his fourth interception. The play is magnetized is because it happened late in the fourth quarter of a big game against Packers.  All that being said, it is one game. I am sure the team will learn from their mistakes and make better decisions all around. Mannelly still gets the award for what were they thinking?
     Runner up for WWYT is Charlie Weis. Weis's time management allowed Michigan to save their last two times outs for their game winning drive.

-Mike Moreau

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